Sunday, July 3, 2011


July and August are miserable in Arizona. It is a known fact. June is only so-so, but July is where the shit hits the fan and life feels like it is being lived in an oven. "Dry heat" is all well and good, but you know that blast of heat that hits you in the face when you open your oven? That is what it feels like when walking outside. Good times. Ha. July also brings the fun of MONSOONS! Though I don't really like storms (I'm afraid of wind) I do look forward to monsoons. I have had my bad experiences, but I still look forward to it every year. The only problem is that then life is hot, but no longer dry. Humidity with 110+ temps is a unique experience, one that no one should be forced to witness. Last summer, I had a job where I worked outdoors. I am exceptionally glad I don't have that again this year, just at this moment. It would be 8am and I would already have sweated through my clothes and my hair had already frizzed out. Not a fun time.
Anyway, I got off topic. Tonight brought a dust storm! I love watching these blow in - as long as I am safely indoors. I have memories as a kid of running from my aunt's house around the block to mine to beat the incoming dust storm. Oddly that is a good memory - it was fun watching them blow in. And then my mom and I would sit on the trunk of her car in the carport and watch the dust storm and frequently the lightening and rain show that would follow.
A dust storm rolling in... (This picture is not mine, I got it from here)
Here are some pics from the storm tonight that I took with my phone:

Not sure why they are so tiny. I am still working on the picture adding feature here... haha.

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